Friday, March 12, 2010

Change of heart

I think I want to change the look of my blog, but not sure what I want it to look like. Maybe more visually interesting? More personal? Less colorful? Ideas, anyone?

When I started blogging, I was inspired by blogs I had read and then even more-so by Tara Frey's book. I couldn't wait to get blogging! So I kinda grabbed at the first background I saw that I felt matched my blog name, the first picture I saw for the header and so on....I liked it for a while, and still do, but thought maybe if I change it up a bit, I'd be more intent on blogging every day. Not just here and there like I have been.

I recently decided that I don't want a too theme-y blog; I want it to convey all sorts of things and be something for anyone. Not just moms, not just crafters, not just this, not just that. You get the picture. I'm still really new here in blogland and haven't quite got the grasp on it yet that I want. I guess I'll just keep chugging along and go where it takes me.

I hope to keep at it for a while and that if some of you read it, you may want to come back. :)

*edited* I just found this background and love it because it has all my favorite colors and isn't too cluttered. What do you think?

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