So, I sorta gave up the blogging for a while.
I wasn't sure how I felt about it anymore:
*I don't sell anything - although I make stuff...
*I don't have a huge circle of people to say "Read my blog!" to so it felt like a waste of time
*I felt like I had to write like someone else and not be totally myself
*Life got frustrating for a while...I bet blogging, even if just for myself, would have kinda helped with that...
*Did I really have the time to commit to pics, posts, etc.?...
*And (not) lastly, after reading so many of my faves, mine seemed, well, amateurish to say the least; and not that that has changed just yet, but hopefully it will...sorta. :)
In spite of all this, I blogged daily (if not hourly!!) in my head.
Looking back on what I was writing about, I guess it got kinda monotonous. Disneyland, hockey, random pics...blah blah blah. Not that I don't love the things I wrote about, they just seemed I don't know, lame, after a while.
Some things have change radically (I mean that literally and figuratively!). The biggest thing being we took the leap and moved from my hometown (born and raised) of Orange County, CA and moved to Spokane, WA one month ago!!
What a difference!
I came here in June with my best friend Heather, who lives in Seattle, to go to the Farm Chicks show. LOTS OF FUN!! Before I left, hubby said to 'check it out'. That's his way of saying see if you wanna live there. I did and now we do. YAY!
So far so good. If you leave out the part where the movers seriously damaged some of our stuff - I can't even begin to tell you..sadness. And the fact that my Grandma is none too happy with us for leaving. :(
We moved into the coolest house I've ever lived in. Big front porch, huge yard, squirrels in the yard, massive trees, leaves that change color and so many other things this Cali girl has never experienced!
We got an awesome dog (a rehoming from CL) named Grizz...we're all in total love with this guy...

He's an 11 month old St. Bernard/Husky mix. The best dog ever and the cat doesn't even mind...really.
This is gonna be fun and I wanna write about it! I also want to write about other stuff, so I hope you'll stick around!