The other day while browsing Craigslist, I came across an ad for an armoire that I thought might fit our entryway. It was at an antique/thrift store in Post Falls, ID called 'My Favorite Things'. They definitely had a few of
my favorite things!! Tons of a pink stove that had the back burners on a 'step' up from the front ones and lots of knick-knacky things. Oh and metal serving trays that match a metal strawberry tray that I have, and, and, get it, but the armoire, well, not so much. It was tiny, and had moldy fabric in the upper glass. It was pretty online, but in person it was not worth the asking price of $499.
Maybe $299. But not this trip.
On my way out I saw a nasty, but cute, little metal kitchen cart. Like the kind I've been looking for, but never had a place to put. I looked it over for a few minutes and walked away. It was guh-ross, I tell you. I got halfway to my car and thought 'aw, what the heck' and turned around and practically ran back to it. As if the only other person in the store was going to snatch it up right then and there. :)
In addition to the gingham contact paper (which came off easily and protected the trays), it was covered in spider webs, egg sacs, and lots of dirt and grime. But how cute is it??
The lady working in the store gave me two baby wipes to clean it up a bit before putting it in my car, but they were history in three swipes.
It also has wooden wheels, no dings or scratches, wasn't bent anywhere and has an electrical outlet! I'd never seen that before. I'm sure it isn't anything too special, but it made it special to me.

Jim turned his nose up at it's icky state and practically exclaimed "What is that??!" at the outlet. I don't know why, though. It's more functional that way, right? Yeah, right.
Here's is a close-up of just some of the nastiness. While taking it apart to clean and paint it, there were few tiny little spiders crawling off of it. Ick. I had to hurry!!
After a good cleaning, I primed it with some spray primer and then got to work on the color. I had to do it over the course of a few days as the temperature here was falling. It was in the high 30s and low 40s. Not real conducive to painting. I didn't hit any road blocks though, and was glad for that. I just wanted that thing in my kitchen already!!

I chose Rustoleum's Ultra Cover in Strawflower; it's not as bright as it looks here, more of a dark butter or pale mustard. My new fave color of spray paint. For sure. On Jim's advice I kept the legs white (I cheated and left it white paint around...shhh) and I think it turned out pretty stinkin' cute! For now I left off the outlet, but I intend on getting it back on there, hopefully a three pronger, you know, to modernize it a bit. ;)
Looking at this picture, I think it needs something else. Maybe a rug underneath...what do you think?